Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Improving Professional Correspondence

To: T. Leoni, Manager, Personnel Department
From: Donald Pryzblo, Manager, Data Processing Department
I have been reviewing the “errors” in the computer files.
Contrary to what you insinuated in our meeting, the majority of these errors were made by your clerks. I do not feel that my people should be blamed for this. They are correctly copying the faulty time tickets that your clerks are preparing.
You and I discussed requiring my computer operators to perform the very time-consuming task of comparing their entries against the time sheets from which your clerks are miscopying.
My people do not have the time to correct the errors made by your people, and I will not hire additional help for such work.
I recommend that you tell your clerks to review their work carefully before giving it to the computer operators.

In reviewing this Correspondences I personally would not change anything.  But the tone of it is very obvious that this person is a little up set.  And it is a few subject and verb agreements errors in it but far that I do not see anything wrong.  It maybe wrong for a professional setting.  A memo is a common interoffice communication tool that is used in business, companies and organizations all over the world. Employers use memos to convey important information to others in a timely manner. It's not difficult to write a professional memo, but there are a few things that you should know about this type of letter.

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